About Us


PT SABINDO RETECH was established in 1992. It has been more than 26 years since we served the refrigeration system business. As a company that has long been engaged in this field, we provide our clients with good service and high quality products along with professional engineers.

The company has 2 business units, industrial refrigeration and commercial refrigeration. For industrial refrigeration depend on big scale projects, usually ammonia as refrigerants and in commercial refrigeration focus more on small-medium scale projects, usually using Freon as refigerant. We have a subsidiary, PT Hwasung which is engaged in refrigeration transport.

We serve consultation, sales product, design with engineering, installation, and after sales services (spare parts & servicing). We build your system with design and installation from West of Indonesia to East of Indonesia.

After sales service is of course a very important aspect of the need of our customers, thus we are equipped with a team of technicians and servicemen with the appropriate tools. Our men are trained by the respective principals and have accumulated hand on experience. We also keep stock of spare part for normal wear serviceable consumble items.

PT SABINDO RETECH didirikan pada tahun 1992. Sudah lebih dari 26 tahun sejak kami melayani bisnis sistem pendingin. Sebagai perusahaan yang telah lama terlibat dalam bidang ini, kami menyediakan klien kami dengan layanan yang baik dan produk berkualitas tinggi serta ditanganin oleh insinyur profesional.

Perusahaan ini memiliki 2 unit bisnis, pendingin industri dan pendingin komersial. Untuk sistem refrigasi pada skala besar, biasanya menggunakan amonia sebagai refrigeran sedangkan dalam sistem refrigasi komersial lebih fokus pada proyek skala kecil-menengah, biasanya menggunakan Freon sebagai refigerant.

Kami melayani konsultasi, penjualan produk, desain dengan teknik, instalasi, dan layanan purna jual (suku cadang & servis). Kami membangun sistem refrigasi anda, dari Indonesia Timur sampai Indonesia Barat.

Layanan after sales service  tentu saja merupakan aspek yang sangat penting dari kebutuhan pelanggan kami,  kami dilengkapi dengan tim teknisi dan peralatan yang menunjang . Teknisi kami sudah terlatih dan sudah berpengalaman . Kami juga menyimpan stok suku cadang, suku cadang yang biasa sudah harus ganti dalam waktu tertentu.

Our business covers the application of:

  • Seafood Industry
  • Cold Storage
  • Dairy Industry
  • Ice Cream Factory
  • Slaughterhouses
  • Breweries
  • Fruits and Vegetables Storage
  • Petrochemical Industry
  • Marine Industry

We provide a wide range of quality refrigerating equipment:

  • Piston Compressor
  • Screw Compressor
  • Water/Brine Chiller
  • Flake Ice Machine
  • Block Ice Plant
  • Tube Ice Machine
  • Evaporative Condenser
  • Contact/Plate Freezer
  • Spiral/tunnel Freezer

We also provide a complete line for processing of vegetables, fish & shrimp:

  • Vibrator Grader
  • Cooker
  • Weighting System
  • Thawing Unit
  • Peeler
  • Blancher/Cooler
  • Glazer
  • Washer
  • Packaging System